Yellowknife Official help site - Huge Earthquake and Tsunami at East Japan. Help Japan!



Japan Tsunami help Association - Yellowknife

Donation Report

Thank you for very much !
The Current Your Support is: $23,255.08
(subtotal period: April 11, 2011)

  • Donation Box: $9,343.93
  • Sushi North Fund: $3,512.50
  • Event on Mar 20th (Sushi North): $8,422.91
  • Event on Apr 4th (Aurora College): $668.25
  • Event on Apr 10th (Javaroma Coffee): $200.33
  • Event on Apr 24th (Yellowknife Coop): $1107.16

Donation Report:

  • The all donation from Sushi North Event(Mar 20th) and some donation from the Tim Horton's:
    to the Canada Red Cross: $9,165.96
  • From the all other Events and Donation boxes:
    to the Ashinaga Ikuei-kai: $10,570.00
  • From the Sushi North Foundation:
    to be announced
  • The transfer fee is not include

Your Donation:

Your donation will be transferred to the Official Support Organizations.

  • Some donations from the Shops and charity event on March 20th 2011:
    to Canada Red Cross
  • Other Donations from the almost Donation Box and Events:
    to the Ashinaga Ikuei-kai
  • This Organization are established for the Orphans.
    We will donate to the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean earthquake/tsunami foundation Account.
    Your Donations will be helped the Orphans.
    Over 400 children lost their all parents and grand parents by this disaster.
  • About Ashinaga
    ASHINAGA is a non-profit organization in Japan. Since it was founded in 1969, more than 60,000 orphans have graduated from schools with ASHINAGA scholarship support. The name "ASHINAGA" is a Japanese translation of the title of the American novel "Daddy Long Legs". We hope that our orphans receive an education equal to that of ordinary children.

    We are a private organization funded by the combination of "sweat", meaning the street level fundraising by orphans, and "heart", meaning the warm generosity of donors.

    ASHINAGA was originally started by an anonymous "Daddy Long Legs" donation system. There were many ordinary citizens who had experienced hardships in their lives. They donated money to those experiencing hardships as a means of expressing gratitude for their good fortune.

    We have two main jobs. One is to provide financial support to children who have lost either one or both of their parents. The other is to provide emotional support. We hold summer camps for ASHINAGA scholars every summer, where children can express their sorrow and share feelings together. We also provide constant emotional care programs at Kobe Rainbow House, which was built in 1999 as the first day care center for orphans in Japan.

    Website: (Official website) (English page)

Other fundraising methods

Japan Tsunami help Association - Yellowknife

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